A large green house icon with multi-colored plastic pellets in the background. The pellets are arranged in vertical stripes of the same color going from gold on the left, through orange, green, pink, white, and yellow on the right. There are orange bricks along the bottom and the words "The Real Costs of Recycled Plastic Homes (3D and Bricks Too)"written at the bottom of the image in white letters on a semi-transparent orange background.

The Real Costs of Recycled Plastic Homes (3D and Bricks Too)

Recycled plastic is popping up in more and more building products, making it possible to build a house entirely from recycled plastic. In this article, we look at the costs of recycled plastic homes, including 3D printed homes and homes built using recycled plastic bricks.

A segment of cork insulation sitting atop a full sheet.

Your Ultimate Guide To Cork Insulation: All You Need To Know

Cork is an excellent alternative to bulkier insulation materials such as fiberglass and rock. As it is easily attainable, cork is an eco-friendly option for insulating the modern home. So what do you need to know before using cork insulation to increase your home’s energy efficiency?

A partly-built straw bale house. There are straw bales stacked inside the post-and-beam structure and the roof is installed but the walls are not yet filled with straw bales. The words "The Pros and Cons of Straw Bale Building (Should You Use?)" are written across the top and there is a box in the bottom left of the image with a green tick and red cross and the words "pros" and "cons" next to them.

The Pros and Cons of Straw Bale Building (Should You Use?)

It’s important to understand the pros and cons of straw bale building before diving in to this construction method for your next project. This article takes you through all the advantages, disadvantages, and things to look out for before choosing this as your approach to building your home.