A photograph of a pile of freshly-harvested cork barks with dry vegetation in the background. In the top right corner is a world map and across the bottom are the words "Where the World's Cork Building Material Is Made."

Where the World’s Cork Building Material Is Made

Cork is seen as a sustainable building material partly because it is renewable and contains low embodied energy. But where is the world’s cork building material made? This article gives the key facts and figures about production, including an explanation of how it’s made.

Kitchen utensils and jars of food sit on a reclaimed wood shelf with a reclaimed wood accent wall behind. Across the top of the photograph are the words, "Is Reclaimed Wood Food Safe? 3 Critical Facts Explained." on the right-hand side is a "food safe" icon, showing a wine glass and a fork in a circle.

Is Reclaimed Wood Food Safe? 3 Critical Facts Explained

Old wood reclaimed from demolished buildings or refits can add character to your home. However, if you want to use it in a kitchen or dining room, you might wonder, “is reclaimed wood food safe, or not?” This article explains the most important things to consider, so you can stay safe.